Craniosacral Biodynamics is a holistic whole body therapy. 

A hands-on practise  with the target to activate the Body ability to re-aligne itself and amplifying the Life Force Energies. Its amazing non-doing / pro-active practise! Creating the awareness about the Bodies structures and functions and the allowances to actualizing bodies own capacities and potencies to regulate itself.

There is a knowing within the body? Are you willing to listen deeply and perceiving and receiving it ? The so called Body Intelligence seems to have infinitive possibilities to re-create & manifest and also uncreate & de-manifest.

Biodynamic Craniosacral means to developing skills and allowing capacities to be in tune through the body with life itself. In the sense of not interfering and manipulating instead creating the space and attentiveness of allowances and witnessing the own bodies processes.


We will start the tuning by touching gently the clients body and picking up different parameters. With subtle techniques like impulses and awareness, the client’s body-system gets activated to regulate itself.

Craniosacral means simply: Cranio comes from ‘cranium’ (7 head bones) and sacral comes from sacrum bone. The brain and the central nerve system are cover by three layers of membrane, the outer layer dura mater is attached with the Head bones and the Sacrum bone. This membrane contains a liquid cerebrospinalis fluid CSF ("brain water"), it’s necessary for this ‘water’ to get renewed 6 - 7 times every day. For these reasons the membrane must be flexible enough (frequency); the different head-bones must be moveable enough (amplitude + symmetry) and the ‘water’ needs a good flow (quality). In case these parameters are out of balance, multiple symptoms could arise. Mainly all chronicle pain related diseases, stress, concentration - and coordination problems, tension, sleeping disorder, memory and brain coordination and others.

The craniosacral teachings contain 4 levels; each level covers a 4-day training course, later on repeating days will be hold. After each level the students need some months for practicing & to integrate the new techniques and to developing their own sensitive skills. A certification of participation ship will be given, after all a certification of merit too.

From the history:

W.G. Sutherland discovered in the 1920s that the cranium bones make rhythmical movements, which continue to the sacrum. He developed techniques with which he could influence this system. His work was known as cranial osteopathy or the “Inner breath”.

Dr. J.E. Upledger found out again that there are rhythmical movements in the Dura mater spinals (cerebral membrane). This was at 1975; in the next 10 years together with a team of specialists, they developed the craniosacral concept, therapy and start teaching this new method since 1985.

Craniosacral is a part of Osteopathy approach. Likewise, the Visceral alignment, which focused on the inner organ movements.

Stefan Reiter provides in his unique way:

Craniosacral Trainings
1st level;
2nd level;
3rd level; and
4th level classes.

Also the Visceral Alignement Training
1st and
2nd level classes.