E.F.T. is a tapping technique with the fingertips on your own body to release emotional stagnation and related problems. It is easy to learn and practice either as a self-help tool with effective results or useful for applying with your clients or friends.
It’s based on the meridian system, a subtle energy system discovered around 4000 years ago, that’s mainly used in Acupuncture and since the last 40 years in Applied Kinesiology (Dr. G. Goodheart and Dr. J. Diamond). Based on Kinesiology Dr. R. Callahan was the first to discover the E.F.T., and his student Gary Craig intense the E.F.T.
The E.F.T. work requires to take respectful responsibility for your own emotional and /or physical well being during the course and after the course when practicing it and also instruct others whom you help or teach E.F.T. It’s an amazingly simple + powerful technique for everyone, who likes to increase their potential energies and inner growing process! You’ll focus on special statements related to the issues while tapping selected acupuncture points!
Stefan Reiter also provides sessions online and 1 Day Training classes.