Systemic Constellations

→ Systemic Counseling      - Clients, Teams, Companies, Organization, Families.

→ Systemic Coaching        Core Empowerment – Potential Energy - discovering, „Archetypes“ capacities.

→ Systemic Constellation  - Individual, Families, Groups, Organization sessions or seminars.

Systemic Constellation or Transgenerational Transformation is another holistic and encountering therapeutic discipline. Although many aspects are included in other therapeutic approaches, mainly Gestalt Therapy and NLP.

In the early 1980st different people in different countries were developing a systemical view on therapeutical issues. A Heidelberger Group in Germany created more clearily the possibilities and capacities and Insights through and with systemical wider view. End of the 80’s the Systemic Constellation movement got empowered by a German priest and therapist Bert Hellinger, who worked more than 25 years in Africa, and published a book: "LOVES OWN TRUTH"!

Systemic Constellation approach is based on family therapy: 60 years ago, therapists discovered that often chronicle illness symptoms for example from children are deeply connected with the family system and /or the family situation, where they are living in or unbalanced afflictions between parents and grandparents. For example, when one member has been unjustly excluded, someone else later will assume that fate and live a similar life. When a member doesn’t accept personal responsibility, then a member of a later generation could take over. Releasing and transforming different transgenerational patterns and delegations.

In Constellation work we don’t work with the real family members, mainly we choose symbols or representatives. Through a tuning in; the goal is not to uncover the myriad of connections in the family, but rather to look for the most powerful entanglements which maybe hindering the client and restricting his/her strength. We are looking for the different dynamics in constellations and looking forward to the right and balanced intervention or solution for the “movement of the soul”.

I am in one part of my being a continuation of my parents - Receiving the gifts they are.

But it means not that I need to buy and copy and mimicking everything from them?

Are you willing to grow and going beyond your family patterns and believes?

Accessing the Consciousness you are.

WHO I AM without my stories?