Coach, Councillor, Facilitator and Organizer
Facilitate Workshops & Trainings in different countries!
Born in Germany 1963, married and divorced. Father of an adult daughter born 1988.
Works in the therapeutical field since 1987.
Started with: Releasing method; TCM - (Acupuncture); Detoxification techniques (VEGA - method)
Since 1992 Craniosacral Therapist and since 1998 Craniosacral teacher
Since 2000 Systemic Constellation facilitator for single, couple and group sessions
Since 2005 Buddhist teachings about Mindfulness and Heartfulness as a Path
Since 2018 Access Consciousness method, Practitioner & Facilitator
other therapies and methods as well.
Growing up in post war Germany, socialized in a raising up with high standards and values; discovering liberation movements - peace & freedom; attention for planet earth and developing renewable energies on all levels; breaking permanently walls of exclusion and separations on different dimensions and levels;
There is a long list of worldwide teachers Stefan meet & met during his lifetime:
At first many common people with no name, but a bright Heart;
H. H. Dalai Lama and other Tibetan Buddhist teachers;
Bert Hellinger and other Systemic Constellation teachers;
Michael J. Shea, Dr. Richard Royster and other Craniosacral teachers;
Thich Nhat Hanh, J. Krishnamurti and others spiritual teachers;
Access Consciousness teachers & facilitators;
The most important teachers are all the multiple clients in different countries, with different status and backgrounds by PRACTISING, PRACTISING & PRACTISING THE WORK - YOU LOVE TO DO!
Than to recognize and to acknowledge that we are quite individual on one hand and more important and profound so much like: ONENESS - Similar; same Source; same Language of the Heart; simply everyone in his core represents the True Nature of Being.
Last and may the deepest source as itself:
Receiving all the teachings by the real natural nature itself!
it will be uncovered by the quality of our Attention and Heartfulness
"May be all Sentient Beings be free and liberated"