About Facilitator & Contact


E-Mail: accessyourself@gmx.de

whats app.: +977-9813847889



Coach, Councillor, Facilitator and Organizer

Facilitate Workshops & Trainings in different countries!

Born in Germany 1963, married and divorced. Father of an adult daughter born 1988.

Works in the therapeutical field since 1987.

Started with: Releasing method; TCM - (Acupuncture); Detoxification techniques (VEGA - method)

Since 1992 Craniosacral Therapist and since 1998 Craniosacral teacher

Since 2000 Systemic Constellation facilitator for single, couple and group sessions

Since 2005 Buddhist teachings about Mindfulness and Heartfulness as a Path

Since 2018 Access Consciousness method, Practitioner & Facilitator

other therapies and methods as well.


Growing up in post war Germany, socialized in a raising up with high standards and values; discovering liberation movements - peace & freedom; attention for planet earth and developing renewable energies on all levels; breaking permanently walls of exclusion and separations on different dimensions and levels;

There is a long list of worldwide teachers Stefan meet & met during his lifetime:

At first many common people with no name, but a bright Heart;

H. H. Dalai Lama and other Tibetan Buddhist teachers; 

Bert Hellinger and other Systemic Constellation teachers;

Michael J. Shea, Dr. Richard Royster and other Craniosacral teachers;

Thich Nhat Hanh, J. Krishnamurti and others spiritual teachers;

Access Consciousness teachers & facilitators;

The most important teachers are all the multiple clients in different countries, with different status and backgrounds by PRACTISING, PRACTISING & PRACTISING THE WORK - YOU LOVE TO DO!

Than to recognize and to acknowledge that we are quite individual on one hand and more important and profound so much like: ONENESS - Similar; same Source; same Language of the Heart; simply everyone in his core represents the True Nature of Being.

Last and may the deepest source as itself:

Receiving all the teachings by the real natural nature itself!

   The SPIRIT is not given -

it will be uncovered by the quality of our Attention and Heartfulness

         "May be all Sentient Beings be free and liberated"