The Meridian-Balance-Massage is a well feeling and deep relaxing whole body massage. The Chinese view of disease is a disharmony between two opposing energies of Yin / Yang.
The body has two main meridians – Ren Mai and Du Mai in front- and back centre line of the body and another 12 meridians, which are connected with the organs. Six meridians are related with the Yin – Energy flow and six are related with the Yang –Energy flow.
This Meridian-Balance-Massage based on how to stroke all the meridians in a special order and following the flow of the meridians and get conscious of the ῎rivers῎ and how to pay attention for you and the other. You also learn how to flow your own "rivers".
It’s a balance for BODY, MIND & SOUL
After this 1-day training class you are able to practise this massage method.
A Certification of Attendance will be provided. Professional and non-professionals are welcome. Interesting for couples, everyone can join from age 12 years above.