My name is Sanjaya T. and I live in Nepal and Australia. I have been working as a Craniosacral therapist for the last 12 years. I learned craniosacral therapy from Mr. Stefan Reiter (Germany) and am still learning Visceral Therapy from him. I was a client of Stefan, and had such wonderful experiences from his treatment that I decided to study under him. Stefan is a wonderful teacher and guidance for me. It's very easy to understand his teaching and vast knowledge about craniosacral and other healing modalities like visceral therapy, Emotional Fast Transformation ( EFT),Family Constellation and many more. He is an amazing teacher, great healer and wonderful person and mentor. I recommend him from my heart for any course.

Stephen M. (California, USA)

My first craniosacral treatment with Stefan profoundly alleviated a chronic muscle pain condition, which had been destroying my life for over a decade. I was inspired by the rapid, deep body and mind healing to learn the technique. I completed craniosacral modules 1 and 2 with Stefan and began practicing immediately.

In the workshops I learned to tune in to clients' bodies and intuitively guide them towards deep states of relaxation and release. One of my first client's grandmother had just died. He was overwhelmed by grief and anger. And was literally in shutdown mode. After our 1.5 hour session calm, gentleness and acceptance entered his body and heart in a big way. And he was able to start moving forward.

However, Cranio is incomparably richer than just giving body work to others. As a long-term meditator craniosacral practice trained me to tune in to subtle pulses in my own body in transformational ways that nourish insight and compassion.

Stefan is a generous, kind and thorough teacher who provides the technical knowledge and support to dive in deep. He is a true teacher. I whole heartedly recommend learning with him.


I am Mamouchka, Stefan's student from Bangkok, i started level one in January 2014 and completed all the levels since then.
I discovered with Cranio an all new level of treating people and accessing their body's inner capability of healing.
When i started the training, even though I was a therapist, i still was fragile and dealing with my own emotions and sensibility from my past.
During the training, because we have to be models for others, we receive treatments, we feel what is happening inside of us, the meaning of "cranio-sacral-therapy" took a real meaning for me then!
I am now stronger with more self-esteem and confidence.

I encourage every student to have a private session with Stefan first before entering the training to have a feeling and overview of what you will be learning and doing.

Taking this training is emotionally challenging for some people but VERY GOOD if you want to move on with your personal practice, move on with your life if you feel stuck...

All my clients love CST. Some said "you sent me to heaven!", "I never felt this way before"...
Some others recovered from dizziness just after one session.
One lady have been coming to my practice every 4 week for 2 years to receive CST just because she loves the feeling of this treatment. She had severe depression and now it has gone!